Let’s talk about Cybersecurity and Data Privacy


Nélio, our expert in Cybersecurity, has answered us some questions about this topic.

Curious? Well, below are some of the main topics covered on our live on Instagram.
Go there to check the full interview.

What is cybersecurity?

It can be described as multidisciplinary activities continued over time to protect networks, systems and applications from attacks that aim to access, alter and destroy sensitive data, extort money or interrupt the normal functioning of systems.





What are the main threats?

First, there are internal threats based on opportunity, capacity and will. Can also be money, ideology, commitment or coercion. Then, I would say the attack on the supply chain by accessing a company that provides service, compromising the service and publishing it to customers. Other is ransomware, a software type that’s designed to block access to files or systems by requiring a ransom payment. One more is social engineering, one of the oldest professions in the world, that of scammer. It’s related with psychological manipulation by finding weaknesses in people and processes and exploiting them, taking into account information previously obtained either digitally, physically or by observation. Also, I would like to refer phishing, a fraudulent attempt to obtain confidential information or data, such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers or other confidential details, by impersonating another person/company.




How can companies protect themselves from these attacks?

There are five fundamental steps:

1. TAKE STOCK: knowing what kind of information is handled, where it is, how it’s moved and what the applicable laws are, creating internal security policies with the support of top management, creating and maintaining a database with the company’s assets.2. SCALE DOWN: keep only the information needed for the business.3. LOCK IT: protect information from a physical and logical point of view (network security, job lockdown, minimum privilege principle, traffic monitoring, centralization and analysis of logs, vulnerability management plan).4. PITCH IT: good practices for information destruction.5. PLAN AHEAD: create an incident response plan, a communication plan and define responsibilities.




What can we do as an individual to be protected?

There’s a lot we can do. These are some of the main actions:

• Be on the lookout for SMS, emails and unsolicited calls. Especially those that ask to change service credentials, to log in to certain sites and customs costs that have to be paid.• Be aware of losses or difficulties in capturing the network in places where they normally have and, if that happens, communicate to the operator.• Do not use the phone number as an authentication method.





How to start a career in cybersecurity?

There’s no need for a computer background. A passion for learning and understanding how technology works is what it takes. In fact, Cybersecurity is about understanding how technology and people work. To start you need to know the basics about programming, systems, applications and networks. There are many online courses that introduce these topics. Youtube is an excellent platform to search for content. Also, you can choose to do academies and certifications in safety. You can practice at https://tryhackme.com/ or https://www.hackthebox.eu/.

It’s very important to be self-taught and very persistent.





What kind of opportunities exist in this field?

There’s a great demand for professionals in different areas, something that has a tendency to increase. Some of them are Risk Management, Audit and Compliance, Security Operations (Computer Forensics, Investigation of Incidents, Penetration Tests), threat hunting.





How can Ytech help?

You will have all the support of a fantastic team so that you can start your career in the best way and with very good projects.